Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Chirstmas

  The Beautiful Story of Christmas

 This is one of the most beautiful stories ever told. It is said that God loved us so much that he gave us his only son to die on the cross for our sins. 2000 years ago a young woman was to bear the son of God that she was to call Jesus. "But how can I conceive since I'm a virgin" cried the lady. "The Holy Spirit will come over you and the one to be born will be called the Son of God, for nothing is impossible to God" said Gabriel, the angel of the Lord. This lady's name was Mary. She was engaged to Joseph- a carpenter's son. When Joseph came to know about Mary being pregnant he decided to call off the wedding but in private. But the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, "Don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife" Soon Joseph and Mary got married.

Mary and Joseph went from Nazareth to Judea, to the town of Bethlehem, the City of David. Then came the day when Jesus had to be born. They went from place to place but they couldn't find a place where Mary could give birth to the son of God. Finally they managed to get a stable where sheep and cows lived. The son of God was born in this Stable. It was freezing but they had no clothes for him. Finally Mary wrapped him in a piece of cloth. In the same country, lived some shepherds. The angel of the Lord appeared to them, "Do not be afraid! I bring you good news of great joy, which shall be to all people. For this day, in the city of David, is born to you a savior, it is Christ the Lord! And this will be a sign for you - you will find the baby wrapped in torn clothes and lying in a manger." Then a great bright new star appeared in the sky. Suddenly they saw a host of angels singing out praises to God, "Glory to God in the highest, and peace to the people on earth."

Some Wise Men in faraway countries saw the star and guessed what it meant. They studied the star. It was written in years ago that when the Son of the Lord would come into the world a new star would appear in the sky. They went about following the star so that they could reach the place where the Son of God was born and worship him. When they reached Judea they began asking people "Where is the child who is born to be king of the Jews?" When King Harold, the then king of Nazareth heard about this he felt threatened. He therefore sent the three Kings to search for the child so that he could kill the child. However the three kings had no idea about these evil intentions of King Harold and they set out to find the new King and brought him gifts. The gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The shepherds went to Bethlehem and found Mary and Joseph. The baby Jesus was lying in a manger just like they had been told. When they saw him, they told everyone what the angel had said and everyone who heard the story were astonished. Then the shepherds returned to their sheep, praising God for sending his Son to be their Savior.

By now the three Kings following the star also reached the manger. When they saw Jesus`s beautiful face they bowed down and worshiped him. The three Wise men were then warned in a dream by God, not to return to King Herold. Therefore they then returned back to their countries in the East through three different routes so that King Herold wouldn't be able to find them.

When the Wise Men had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up Joseph and take Jesus and Mary and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for Jesus to kill him." So Joseph got up, took Jesus and Mary and fled to Egypt, where they stayed till Herod died. Now when Herod realized that he had been tricked by the Wise Men, he was furious and he gave orders to kill all the boys aged two or younger in Bethlehem and in the surrounding areas. This was in order to ensure than the Son of God was also killed.

When Herod died, Joseph had another dream, in which the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, 'Get up, take Jesus and your wife Mary and go back to Israel, for those who were trying kill Jesus are now dead.' So Joseph got up, took Jesus and Mary and they went back to Israel. But when he heard that Herod's son was now king of Judea, he was afraid to go there. So instead they went to Galilee, and lived in their old town of Nazareth.

Friday 21 December 2012

Site Work -21 Dec 2012

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Sunday 16 December 2012

Site Work - 15 Dec 2012

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New Development Convenient approach - Road to reach our site

Convenient approach  - Road to reach our site

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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Guru Nanak Jayanti

The 543rd anniversary of the founder of Sikh religion Guru Nanak Dev Ji is being celebrated on Wednesday with great religious fervour, dedication and devotion across the country. 

Guru Nanak JayantiCommemorates the birthday of Guru Nanak Dev the first Sikh guru and the founder of Sikhism. It is the most sacred festivals of the Sikhs community. The festival is celebrated with great religious fervor, dedication and devotion across India, mainly in the states of Punjab, Haryana and abroad. This holy occasion is observed on the full moon day in the month of Kartik as per the Hindu calendar.

The Guru Nanak Jayanti begins with the reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikhs in the Gurudwara non-stop for 48 hours. This recitation of the Guru Granth is known as Akhand Path and this recitation ends on the day of the festival. Day prior to Guru Nanak Jayanti, a religious procession or Prabhat Pheri is carried out in the early morning that is lead by the Panj Pyares, the five armed guards. These guards head the procession carrying the Sikh flag known as the Nishan Sahib. They also carry the Guru Granth Sahib that is well set in a Palki (Palanquin) ornamented with flowers.

The procession starts from the gurudwaras and proceeds towards the near by localities. The guards are followed by local bands playing brass bands and a team of singers singing shabads (religious hymns). While the procession passes the local homes, the devotees sing the chorus and offer sweets and tea to the people in the procession. ‘Gatka’ teams (martial arts) display mock-battles with the traditional weapons. The route of the procession is decorated with flags, flowers and religious posters. Banners are also posted depicting various aspects of Sikhism.
On the day of Guru Nanak Jayanti, celebrations begin early in the morning at around 4 or 5 a.m. Morning hymns, known as Asa-di-Var, and hymns from the Sikh scriptures are sung, which are then followed by Katha, or the exposition of the scripture. This includes religious and historical lectures and recitation of poems to honor the Guru. The Gurudwara hall also conducts the Kirtan-Darbars and Amrit Sanchar ceremonies followed by a special community lunch, or Langar. This lunch is organized by the volunteers at the Gurudwara. The Sikhs consider distributing free sweets and lunch as a part of seva (service) and bhakti (devotion).
The food is served to all people irrespective of caste or religion. Special pious food or Prasad known as Kara Prasad is then offered to everyone present in the Gurudwara. The gurudwaras and the homes are decorated with earthen lamps and candles in the evening. Religious music played by local bands, enthusiastic Bhangra dance (Punjabi dance form) and the colorful folk drum players add to the color of the festival. The guards perform fighting skills and marital arts. Golden Temple in Amritsar is the main attraction during this festival that is celebrated with pomp and fare.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in 1469 A.D. in a Bedi Kshatriya family in the village of Rai Bhoi di Talwandi now known as Nanakan Sahib near Lahore in Pakistan. 

Guru Nanak ji is the first of the 10 Sikh gurus. Nanak used to sit with holy men, pandits and mullahs and spend hours with them in long discussions. Nanak was a great seer, saint, mystic, prolific poet and unique singer of God’s laudation. His only message was to spread love, peace, truth and renaissance. Even today, Sikhs all across the world practice Guru Nanak’s preaching to reaffirm their belief in the founder’s teachings. Guru Nanak Jayanti is celebrated with pride, honor and great respect.

Celebrations take place on large scale over the Sikh communities and Food forms are the main attraction of this festival. The essential part of any Gurudwara is the Langar or Free Kitchen. Here the food is cooked by the sevardars or volunteers and is served to all without discrimination. The practice of serving food to all was started with Guru Nanak’s Sikhs at Kartarpur. The Guru’s Langar is always vegetarian, and traditionally is made up of simple, nourishing food. Strict rules of hygiene and cleanliness are important when preparing the Langar (i.e., washed hands, never tasting it while cooking). Individuals with communicable diseases should not participate in the preparation of Langar. It is also suggested that Gurbani be recited during the preparation.
The entire Sikh community gets engaged in the true festive mood. Delectable delicacies are also prepared on this holy occasion and distributed like the Atte ka Seera, Malai Ladoo, Jabeli and Kaju barfi.
Atte ka Seera: Atte ka Seera or wheat flour halva. It’s such a simple and earthy dessert. The sweet aroma that wheat flour emanates when you are roasting it in ghee will put you in the right mood to enjoy this special occassion.

Malai Ladoo is a north Indian snack made of paneer and milk.

Kaju Barfi is made with cashew nuts soaked in water overnight (it is not prepared using milk) and ground the next day; then sugar, saffron (kesar) and other dried fruits are added. It is usually white/yellow in color. If pistachios are used in the preparation, it can be green in color.
Among the Sikhs, Gurunanak Jayanti- the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak, the founder of the faith- is an occasion for great rejoicing. Guru Nanak was born in 1469 AD at Tolevandi (near Lahore), and his birth anniversary is celebrated with much pomp and religious fervour across the Sikh community. The festivities for the day begin with early morning processions known as the 'prabhat pheri'; the procession starts at a local gurudwara and makes its way around the neighbourhood, chanting verses and singing hymns. Prabhat pheris are held on the days prior to Gurunanak Jayanti; and for the three days too, there is a continuous reading of the Guru Granth Sahib, from beginning to end, without a break.
The day of the festival is marked by a special procession in which pride of place is reserved for the Guru Granth Sahib, carried on a beautifully decorated float and accompanied by musicians and five armed guards (who represent the panj piaras). Prayers and kirtans at gurudwaras are followed by community meals (langar), where all- irrespective of religious conviction- are welcome.

Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh guru and the founder of the Sikh religion, was born on the full moon day in the month of Kartik as per the Hindu calendar. Hence, his birthday is celebrated as Guru Nanak Jayanti. The date falls in October or November in the Gregorian calendar. Guru Nanak was born in 1469 A.D. at Rai-Bhoi-di Talwandi, some 30 miles from Lahore, in the present Pakistan. The Sikhs visit Gurdwaras where special programs are arranged and kirtans (religious songs) are sung. Houses and Gurdwaras are decorated and lit up to add to the festivities.

Guru Nanak Jayanti marks the culmination of the Prabhat Pheris, the early morning processions that start from the Gurdwaras (Sikh temples) and then proceeds around the localities singing 'shabads' (hymns). The celebration also includes the three-day Akhand path, during which the holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib is read continuously, from beginning to end without a break. On the day of the festival, the Guru Granth Sahib is also carried in a procession on a float, decorated with flowers, throughout the village or city. Five armed guards, who represent the Panj Pyaras, head the procession carrying the Nishan Sahib (the Sikh flag). Local bands playing religious music form a special part of the procession.

Free sweets and community lunches, or langar, are offered to everyone irrespective of religious faith. Men, women, and children, participate in this karseva as service to the community by cooking food and distributing it in the 'Guru ka Langar', with the traditional 'Karah Prasad'. Guru Nanak Dev's life served as a beacon light for his age. He was a great seer, saint and mystic. He was a prolific poet and a unique singer of God's laudation. A prophet of peace, love, truth and renaissance, he was centuries ahead of his times. His universal message is as fresh and true even today as it was in the past and Sikhs all over the world - practice what Guru Nanak Dev preached, to reaffirm your beliefs in the teachings of your founder.

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Diwali: It’s time to celebrate!!!

It was a dark, moonless night when Lord Ram, the banished king of Ayodhya returned home along with his wife, Sita after having vanquished the demon, Ravan (King of Lanka who had abducted Sita) and having completed 14 years in exile.
To honour and rejoice the homecoming of their king, the people of his kingdom lit his path with oil lamps to guide him on his way. Thus began the tradition of decorating homes and public spaces with earthenware oil lamps (diyas) to mark the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness and the five day celebration came to be known as Diwali or Deepavali which means ‘rows of lights/lamps’.
Diwali, the festival of lights, is a much loved festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains throughout the world. The festival ushers in a period of merriment – a time to revel in the company of loved ones, dress up in finery and gorge on delicious dishes prepared for the event. For wimps like yours truly, it’s an occasion to behold (never light) with childlike wonderment, the colourful fireworks that dazzle the night sky and turn it into a kaleidoscope of myriad hues.
This day is considered an auspicious day for merchants to buy their books of accounts. This day marks the commencement of the new financial year for some business communities. It is also regarded as a propitious day for purchasing gold, silver or steel.

Narak Chaturdashi

This day commemorates the victory of lord Krishna and Satyabhama, his wife, over the demon, Narakasura. People rise as early as 3am on Naraka Chaturdashi. The bathing process followed on this day is rather intricate and elaborate; women bathe with utan (mix of ayurvedic herbs) and scented oils. Sounds of firecrackers fill the air by 4am and stop only after sunrise.

Lakshmi Pujan
The evening puja/arti on this day pays obeisance to the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi and devotees seek her blessings. It is imperative to keep the house spotlessly clean during Diwali as the goddess is said to only visit and bless houses that are orderly. Flowers, lamps and rangolis (magnificent decorative patterns/designs made of coloured powder etched on the floor) adorn the doorways of homes.

Bhai Dooj/Bhau Beej
This is a day that symbolises the love between a brother and sister and a time for family reunions when cousins get together to celebrate the day with gaiety and boundless enthusiasm.

As lamps and fireworks illuminate different corners of the globe tonight, We at Dhanraj Group  pray that the light brightens up not only your homes but also your hearts.

Shubh Deepavali!!!

Thursday 8 November 2012

New Development at Hatnoli Site

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Saturday 27 October 2012

Bakri EID

 Bakri Eid 

Bakri Eid is the Id Ul Zuha.For this occasion many days before its preparation start. Mainly Goat is collected and tamed for the festival. Goats are purchased and kept like tamed animal, on the day of Bakri id, they are cut and served as flesh to Lord first and then distributed among near and dear one. It is prepared with spices and made into edible form of non vegetarian dish. After navratra, India celebrates this major festival of Muslims. The Bakri id day is declared as national holiday and all schools, colleges, offices, government organizations remain close on this day.

Every people wear new clothes and come out of home. They meet and greet each other with warm and brotherhood gesture. This festival of India is to spread brother hood in country. Every Muslim follower enjoys the festival with great pomp and show and makes tasty delicious cuisines especially mutton must; offered to god. Early morning they get up, wear new clothes and go to mosque. After their prayer, Goats are cut and distributed among all. These are made with many liked dishes and enjoyed as the eating festival.

The offering of goat, is in their ancient culture and still followed. It is a kind of another form of Id Ul Zuha. In Id, they celebrated the festival in full moon day with sweet dishes and other tasty cuisines and dishes. Bakri id is another form celebrated with non vegetarian dishes. All Indian enthusiastically participate in this festival  and make it a major one of Indian festivals.

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 
Website :

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Special Offers For This Dussehra 2012


Dussehra is celebrated all over India with great enthusiasm every year on the 10th day of Ashwin month according to the Hindu calendar.

This Day Sri Ram (the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu) killed the great demon Raavan, the king of Lanka, who had abducted Sri Ram’s wife Sita. This day is also known as ‘Vijayadashami’ to mark the 10th day of the war that culminated in the victory of Sri Ram (Good) over Raavan (Evil).

Rituals of Dussehra in India

Worship of the Goddess is the oldest tradition, signifying the female deity's supremacy over the male Gods who are unable to destroy the demon.The worship of Durga Mata has also social implications. As Goddess of war, she is a particular favourite of the Kshatriyas, the warrior caste, once constituting the ruling elite and aristocracy.

During this time people decorate the entrance of their houses with torans, and flower studded strings. The leaves of the Apta tree are collected and exchanged among friends and relatives as gold.

 Dussehra Puja in India varies from place to place and is influenced by local myth and religious beliefs.
 The festival is also celebrated with intense fervour and zest, in West Bengal. The vibrant festivities last for ten days, of which nine nights are spent in worship, 'Navaratri'.


At Hatnoli

The tenth day is devoted to the worship of goddess Durga, who occupies a special position in the Hindu pantheon of gods and goddesses. She is 'Shakti', the cosmic energy that animates all beings. Beautiful idols of the Mother Goddess are worshipped in elaborate pandals for nine days, and on the ninth day, these are carried out in procession for immersion (visarjan) in a river or pond.

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 
Website :

Durga pooja ke antim din Mata Siddhidatri ki pooja

सिद्ध गन्धर्व यज्ञद्यैर सुरैर मरैरपि |

सेव्यमाना सदा भूयात्‌ सिद्धिदा सिद्धि दायिनी ||
नवरात्र के अंतिम दिन माता सिद्धिदात्री की आराधना इस मंत्र से करना चाहिए नवरात्र के अंतिम दिन देवी दुर्गा की नवीं शक्ति और भक्तों को सब प्रकार की सिद्धियां प्रदान करनेवाली मां सिद्धिदात्री की पूजा का विधान है. मार्कंडेय पुराण के अनुसार माता अणिमा, महिमा, गरिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, ईशित्व और वशित्व ये आठ प्रकार की सिद्धियां प्रदान करनेवाली हैं, जिस कारण इनका नाम सिद्धदात्री पड़ा. अपने लौकिक रूप में मां सिद्धिदात्री चार भुजाओं वाली हैं. इनका वाहन सिंह है. ये कमल के पुष्प पर आसीन हैं. आस्थावान भक्तों की मान्यता है कि इस दिन शास्त्रीय विधि-विधान और पूर्ण निष्ठा के साथ माता की उपासना करने से उपासक को सभी प्रकार की सिद्धियां प्राप्त होती है. देवी पुराण के अनुसार भगवान शिव ने इनकी कृपा से ही इन सिद्धियों को प्राप्त किया था और इनकी अनुकम्पा से ही भगवान शिव का आधा शरीर देवी का हुआ था, जिस कारण भोलेनाथ अर्द्धनारीश्वर नाम से विख्यात हुए.

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 
Website :

Monday 22 October 2012

Durga pooja ke ashtami tithi ko Mata Mahagauri ki pooja

श्वेते वृषे समारूढा श्वेताम्बरधरा शुचिः |

महागौरी शुभं दद्यान्त्र महादेव प्रमोददा ||

दुर्गा पूजा के अष्टमी तिथि को माता महागौरी की पूजा इस मंत्र से करना चाहिए.भक्तों के सारे पापों को जला देनेवाली और आदिशक्ति मां दुर्गा की 9 शक्तियों की आठवीं स्वरूपा महागौरी की पूजा नवरात्र के अष्टमी तिथि को किया जाता है. पौराणिक कथानुसार मां महागौरी ने अपने पूर्व जन्म में भगवान शिव को पति रूप में प्राप्त करने के लिए कठोर तपस्या की थी, जिसके कारण इनके शरीर का रंग एकदम काला पड़ गया था. तब मां की भक्ति से प्रसन्न होकर स्वयं शिवजी ने इनके शरीर को गंगाजी के पवित्र जल से धोया, जिससे इनका वर्ण विद्युत-प्रभा की तरह कान्तिमान और गौर वर्ण का हो गया और उसी कारणवश माता का नाम महागौरी पड़ा. माता महागौरी की आयु आठ वर्ष मानी गई है. इनकी चार भुजाएं हैं, जिनमें एक हाथ में त्रिशूल है, दूसरे हाथ से अभय मुद्रा में हैं, तीसरे हाथ में डमरू सुशोभित है और चौथा हाथ वर मुद्रा में है. इनका वाहन वृष है. नवरात्र की अष्टमी तिथि को मां महागौरी की पूजा का बड़ा महात्म्य है. मान्यता है कि भक्ति और श्रद्धा पूर्वक माता की पूजा करने से भक्त के घर में सुख-शांति बनी रहती है और उसके यहां माता अन्नपूर्णा स्वरुप होती है. इस दिन माता की पूजा में कन्या पूजन और उनके सम्मान का विधान है.

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 
Website :

Sunday 21 October 2012

Durga Pooja ke saptami tithi ko Maa Kaalratri ki pooja vandna

वाम पादोल्ल सल्लोहलता कण्टक भूषणा |
वर्धन मूर्ध ध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रि भर्यङ्करी ||

दुर्गा पूजा के सप्तमी तिथि को मां कालरात्रि की पूजा वंदना इस मंत्र से करना चाहिए.
नवरात्री की सप्तमी तिथि को आदिशक्ति दुर्गा की 9 शक्तियों की सातवीं स्वरूपा और अन्धकार का नाश कर प्रकाश प्रदान करने वाली मां कालरात्रि की पूजा होती है. भय का विनाश करने वाली और काल से अपने भक्तों की रक्षा करने वाली मां कालरात्रि का स्वरुप बड़ा ही भयानक है, लेकिन ये शरणागतों को सदैव शुभ फल देनेवाली मानी जाती है, जिस कारण माता को शुभंकरी भी कहा जाता है. लौकिक स्वरुप में माता के शरीर का रंग अमावस्या रात की तरह एकदम काला है. सिर के बाल बिखरे हैं. इनके तीन नेत्र हैं जो ब्रह्माण्ड के समान सदृश्य गोल है. गले में विद्युत् की तरह चमकने वाली माला है. इनकी नासिका से अग्नि की भयंकर ज्वाला निकलती रहती है. दुर्गा पूजा में सप्तमी की पूजा का बड़ा महत्व होता है क्योंकि देवी का यह रूप सिद्धि प्रदान करने वाला है. यह दिन तांत्रिक क्रिया की साधना करने वाले भक्तों के लिए अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण होता है. शास्त्रानुसार इस दिन पहले कलश की पूजा करनी चाहिए, फिर नवग्रह, दशदिक्पाल, माता के परिवार में उपस्थित देवी-देवताओं और फिर माता कालरात्रि की पूजा करनी चाहिए. इससे भक्तों को मनोवांछित फल मिलता है.

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 
Website :

Friday 19 October 2012

Durga Pooja ke chhathe din Katyayani ki pooja

||चंद्र हासोज्ज वलकरा शार्दू लवर वाहना |
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्या देवी दानव घातिनि ||

नवरात्र के छठे दिन इस मंत्र से माता कात्यायनी की पूजा वंदना करना चाहिए.

नवरात्री के छठे दिन आदिशक्ति मां दुर्गा की षष्ठम रूप और असुरों तथा दुष्टों का नाश करनेवाली भगवती कात्यायनी की पूजा की जाती है. मार्कण्डये पुराण के अनुसार जब राक्षसराज महिषासुर का अत्याचार बढ़ गया, तब देवताओं के कार्य को सिद्ध करने के लिए देवी मां ने महर्षि कात्यान के तपस्या से प्रसन्न होकर उनके घर पुत्री रूप में जन्म लिया. चूँकि महर्षि कात्यान ने सर्वप्रथम अपने पुत्री रुपी चतुर्भुजी देवी का पूजन किया, जिस कारण माता का नाम कात्यायिनी पड़ा. मान्यता है कि यदि कोई श्रद्धा भाव से नवरात्री के छठे दिन माता कात्यायनी की पूजा आराधना करता है तो उसे आज्ञा चक्र की प्राप्ति होती है. वह भूलोक में रहते हुए भी अलौकिक तेज़ से युक्त होता है और उसके सारे रोग, शोक, संताप, भय हमेशा के लिए विनष्ट हो जाते हैं. मान्यता है कि भगवान श्री कृष्ण को पति रूप में प्राप्त करने के लिए रुक्मिणी ने इनकी ही आराधना की थी, जिस कारण मां कात्यायनी को मन की शक्ति कहा गया है.

Warm Regards,
Dhanraj Group,
27, Mahavir Centre,
2nd Floor, Sector-17,Vashi,
Navi Mumbai-400703
Telephone:022-66096029 | 022-27662451 
Website :